Sunday, 1 March 2009


Listening to: Aiden - Darkness

Today has been, umm, I'm not sure. I can't seem to find a word to pinpoint what I want to say. Hmm. It may come to me. Whatever, not important. 

To begin today, I was woken up by my sister's DINGDINGDING noise of msn going off... at 11. Why on earth was she online at 11? Who in their right mind is up and awake enough to be using msn at that unearthly hour? ~I know, drama queen, not-a-morning-person person. *insert eye rolly face here* So yeah, I woke up slightly disgrunted, and then told her to turn the fucking sound off. After chugging down the morning coffee and no breakfast, mum said we'd sort out my room today.

See, it used to be that my desk was in the corner and I only had a small space for a chair to sit at, and all I could really fit in said small space was this really hard buffet from Ikea, and try sitting on that for more than half an hour without your back hurting. It's not nice. So mother said we could swap my bed with my desk & bookshelf to make more space. But, because we did this my posters were all in the wrong place. Of course, I just HAD to fix them. (If you don't know, my posters are my life, as sad as it is, I know, I know.) So I spent a good hour, taking them all down and then another 1-2 hours putting them all back up again in different places. I got slightly frustrated 'cause I wanted none of them in the same place as before, so I was trying to remember where they all were previously whilst also trying to get them to fit just right. I have a weird OCD where they have to look right, I'm weird. I also added my almost-life-size poster to my walls, rather than having it on my door, because my sister was beginning to rip it! Bitch. -.-'

But they're all sorted now. Amidst all that, I saw that Rachel's personal message was bitching about me, though I don't know if it was her or Abi that wrote it. "First draft of the year book finished. With no help from Jess" Oh, SHUT UP! I would not have given you my password so you can just go and fuck off with your stupid fucking yearbook. >___<

I managed to eventually finish my science and history coursework, so they ~should~ be out the way now. *DANCE!*

Then at tea there was an argument over how many chocolate buttons Ben took, and I dried up.

Now I'm here, considering writing and trying to find something to do. I've downloaded Google Chrome, but it won't let me play youtube and I'm being sent video's.

This is how interesting my life is whilst everyone else is out. Woo?

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