Wednesday, 29 April 2009


Listening to: Madina Lake - Friends and Lovers
My friend saw these last night. Jealousss! But we may be going to the signing in Sheffield on Monday, and hopefully the gig, too, if we are MAJORLY lucky. ;)
I don't have much to say. School has started again; the early mornings are killing me already. I'm piled under revision, and there is no way i'm going to be able to learn all my oral questions.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Song obsession

Listening to: Meg and Dia - Monster

I've had this song on repeat so much lately. It's my new favourite song of the moment. They're actually amazing. Very "Band of my moment", I think ;D

As of now I'm currently doing oral questions for about the millionth time in my life. You'd think all the times I do them I'd know them by now... unfortuantely no such luck. My german oral is in.... 11 days, French in 16 or 17. Oh shit, thats not long. -Desperate mode-

I should have been in London yesterday, at the THUKST CherryJam fan party. Although, to be quite honest, from pictures it didn't look all that amazing. And i was talking to a friend who went last night about the people, and i'm not all that bothered i didn't go now. Not that i wouldn't have gone if i'd been able to, but I didn't miss much. London was too far away, and i have exams soon and no money to actually use to get to London, so that failed on an epic scale.

I will now go back to sticking post-its allover my walls, and trying to avoid faces. So far my wall looks like this, although there are abuot ten more post-its on now:
This is only the beginning. There are all my french ones left to go up yet... if there's space. D:


Friday, 24 April 2009

Attics to Eden

Listening to: Madina Lake - Criminals
Their new album leaked. My friend got it... shh, don't tell. It's not out til beginning of May or something. Not sure when, exactly.
I'm actually revising right now. Learning about the Pope, how he is a "Sprititual Ambassador", apparently. Not that I believe in any of it. I guess it's better that way, I don't have any opinions on the matters so I can just go with whatever I'm told to put.
And. I have an announcement.
7 months and a but later, it's finally done. Thank fuck.
Now I just gotta remember it all ;)

Thursday, 23 April 2009


Listening to: Killerpilze - Ich kann auch ohne Dich

I went into school today, because I'm such a nerd like that. It was kinda fun, I guess, I was with good people. So I was okay. Learnt something.

I'm bored now, with a Terry's chocolate orange from David because he's not a big fan of dark chocolate, whilst being confused by Will. Strange kid. Now he is accusing me of crying suring 'Saving Private Ryan'. I did not cry.

My friend is bugging me, and I barely even talk to them anymore. They copy things, and according to another friend they don't realise it, and it's just infuriating. Ahhh, stop stealing my ways of lifeeeee!

A friend from Scotland, who I've been speaking to for about a year if not more, probably more, is coming to see me in the summer holidays, I think! Woooo!

That is all.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Dreadlocks, please

Listening to: Madina Lake - Never take us Alive

Well, we already knew that, and we ~kind of~ knew what he'd done by press/fan pictures. Now there's another fan/stalker picture, and, forgetting his hair, it's almost heartbreaking. He looks so stressed, upset, miserable, tired, I can't even imagine the hassle he's going through now. Poor boys.
This is his hair:

I'm sure it'll grow on me when we get real pictures and the boys are all better.

In other news I got sunburn doing maths revision, which is now stinging like mad. Just one random strip on my right arm, a small patch on my hip, and my face is a shiney pink. How lovely.


Tuesday, 21 April 2009

'For What it's Worth'

Listening to: Placebo - For What it's Worth

Morning, all. I don't know why I'm up so early when I could still be sleeping. I woke up craving coffee, alas, here I am.

Placebo have a new songgg :D W
I loveeeee it.

For What It's Worth
And the video is sickkk :)
Hm, i have use that word too much, recently. Must stop.
I have plenty revision to do today because it failed after my phone arrived yesterday.
So i am going to do my internet browsing before I begin... at dinner. :)

Monday, 20 April 2009

The inevitable has arrived

Listening to: We are the Ocean - Ready for the Fall
Okay, so here is the blog all about GIAN, which was bound to come. :D
Firstly me and Goodman managed to lose an hour of the day. We planned on catching trains that would get us to Manchester Academy 1 about three, so we could queue for a bit. Somehow we arrived bang on four. Well, the train got in about 3:45 and we legged it all the way down Oxford Road (which has to be THE longest road EVER) and walked straight in. On walking in, the ticket guy was like "Let me read your t-shirt, love".. so I let him. It was rather awkward; an old man looking at me.
This was my shirt:
Fuck Lostprophets
Then the guy next to him read it, too, and was all "Nice statement ;)"
Then we went in. People were sat on the floor all over the place, and it wasn't all that busy so we got drinks, and then sat down for a bit. It all started at 4:45 so we stood around the edge, not bothered about 'In This Moment', the first band, who were shiiiite. Then 'Lights' was on, and we moved a bit closer for that. She was actually rather good :) and had nice hair. She managed to get a whole room of college kids & co to sing Boyzone in sync; that is talent, ahah. Then 'Emery', who aren't that amazing live and have a Jesus look-alike in their band. So yes, Jesus now plays keyboard and screams. :)
During these, I had two more people read my t-shirt and talk to me, although they thought it was in a bad way, meaning I didn't like 'Lostprophets', when actually, I love them. ;D
Then 'The King Blues' played and people began to get into a it a little more. Especially when 'Save the World, Get the Girl' was played. Thats when we got going, too.
'The Academy Is...' were awesome, although they only played 2 new songs; the rest were old. I'm not complaining, 'cause I knew them all, but Goodman didn't, and she couldn't see, either.
The Academy Is...
Then came 'The Blackout', the band I was mostly there for, and fucking hell, it. was. fantastic. Sean Smith is so hot, and they are so good, and the pit thing was mental. The best band/experience of seeing a band I've seen/had. Seriously.
The Blackout
The Blackout
And finally, 'Enter Shikari'.
Enter Shikari
Me and Goodman wandered about a bit during the beginning of them, got merch, drinks, loo's etc. The Merch guy for 'The Blackout' (I got a tee) loved my shirt, too. I stepped up to the stand, and he went: "Omg, I have to get a picture of your top! I'll send it to Ian... he's gonna fucking love it!!" I presume he meant Ian Watkins (the singer of LP) so haha, Ian Watkins is being sent a picture of my top.
Then Goodman left me for a bit to go into the pit. I didn't dare xD and someone had to save the bags. All in all it was one of the best gigs I've been to in the end, simply based on funness. :D I'm so going again!!
In other news, my phone came today and it's working and everything so far. Fingers crossed it stays like that.
And 2 of the dresses we ordered from the internet came. One of them is passable; it's purple and metallic and rather nice, I must say, for a dress anyway.
Okay, my fingers hurt from typing so much and so fast now, so i'm going to go and rest them before they begin to hurt so much like the rest of my body does. :)

Sunday, 19 April 2009


Listening to: OOMPH! - Gott ist ein Popstar
I am so, so, so excited!! Goodman is at my house right now, with me.. well, she's in the bathroom but she's here. We are setting off in around 5 minutes for the station, to then go to Manchester. We'll arrive around three, wait abit and go in at 4~ish~.
It will be awesome.
Blog laters, Leute.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Oh, to look this good

Listening to: Lady Gaga - The Fame
This woman is inspirational. I watched the interview she did with Jonathon Ross and was in creases. She's funny, and has a body to die for, seriously. I would give almost anything to look as good as she does:
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga
I'm excited and happy; I think i have inhaled too many nail varnish fumes again. :')
Give it a Name: Incoming 2009 TOMORROW!

Friday, 17 April 2009

Lame day

Listening to: Christina Stuermer - Scherbenmeer <3

I had a feeling when I woke up today that today would be lame. That feeling has proved correct. I can't concentrate for more than a minute to revise, so ive given up on that even though i shuoldn't. I've done shit all this past week. i feel guilty. I don't know what to do. I have a horrible feeling in my stomach, too, but I can't figure out if it's actually painful and hurting me or if its something else. It's just... there. Weird.

I went dress shopping AGAIN yesterday and it failed once more. The women in the shops have skulls so thick. They were trying to get me to wear huge big puffball, princess dresses and i told them i wouldn't. "It'll look better on, try it". 'kay, it might look better on, fair play, but if i don't like the design off i'm not going to ike it on so there would be no point trying it. I got home and we ordered some simpler, less-expensive and less-fancy ones off a website. You can send them back after, if you like, too., Mum did it for a wedding once, and it worked so we'll hope.

I got my new phone, used it during the morning and then took out the sim to get my contacts from my other phone. Put it back in and it's fucked so i'm getting another at some point next week. I'm not happy because I wanted it for Sunday so we'd have something to do in the queue and I would have a decent camera. Gutted.

Oh, I was a nerd and went to the library for the book mentioned below. They didn't have it, but they ordered it on for me. I should have it next week. Yay :)

2 days to Give it a Name: Incoming 2009


Thursday, 16 April 2009

"Interview with the Vampire"

Listening to: Tokio Hotel - Ich bin nich' Ich
So I began to watch "Interview with the Vampire" earlier tonight, well, around 11, not realising it was an 18. After the first five minutes I looked up the rating and realised why it was so.. ick. I watched about 90 minutes of it but then got ... distracted...
Basically, imagine the Twilight saga, with Brad Pit, Tom Cruise and little Kirstin Dunst, and set it in the 1700's, only thats what some person is explaining. And remember this was written and made into a film first. I'm guessing the book by Anne Rice is better than the Stephanie Meyer spin on vampires, because it seems she came up with all the ideas... zum Beispiel, you can kill them if you drink too much blood, they can live of animals if they want but "[they're] never fully satisfied" (in the words of Edward Cullen), they can read minds, immortal, blahblahblah. I can't answer fully, though, I've not read the book of this film. I will read it, however, if I can track it down. I may have to be a nerd for an hour and scour Cleckheaton library.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Oh, prom

Listening to: Boys Like Girls - The great escape
Okay so I went prom dress shopping... Eh, it did not go well. I tried a total of one on , didn't like it and gave up. I DON'T WANNA WEAR A DRESS. I don't get why we have to either; whats the point of spending tonnes of money on a dress I'm gonna wear once? So then rent. But why wast money renting one that im gonna wear once and not have a chance to wear again... not that i would wear it again unless someone randomly decided to get married. Argh, the only thing I'm looking forward to is the shoes.
Hmm, my mum ordered my new phone today.
£20 p/month, 600 minutes, 1000 texts, unlimited internet, free phone on o2, touch screen, 3.2 mega pixel camera. And. Its mega sexy. Check it outtt:
4 days to Give it a Name: Incoming 2009

Monday, 13 April 2009

The countdown begins

Listening to: Sum 41 - Over my head (Better off dead)
Today has been pretty lame. Revision, write, thukst, myspace, revise some more, and now msn and bored. A can of lager went down nicely for a change - I don't usually go for man drinks xD and I found a new nice person to oggle. Well, when our Emily has the tv anyway ;)
Jason Dolley
Jason Dolley
and just cause, Jo Halbig
Jo Halbig
yes please.
6 days to Give it a Name: Incoming 2009

Sunday, 12 April 2009

After Lornas party

Listening to: Kings of Leon - Sex on fire

Funny, the guy at pizza hut looked like he was a guy missing from KOL :P

Ahh, my pictures below were too big, meh, i'm not resizing them :D

Lornas party was funnnn ;D Didn't really get to talk to most of the people that were there 'cause it was one huge long table so I couldn't speak to the others at the other end. So i spoke with the other Jess's and Jodie for most of the night. About suicide, blogs/diarys, mail man toms, lady gaga, and lot sof other strange things. :')
Welcome to my life ;D


Before Lorna's party



Listening to: Lady Gaga - Poker Face :D
Ahh, today has been rather lovely. It's sunny out I'm in a rather good mood.
I'm currently sat in a towel, about to get ready to go out later. :)

Saturday, 11 April 2009


Watching: Britains got Talent
This is the second time I've been watching TV this whole blogging time.
Phew, today has been a challenge. You know on a morning where you're so warm and cosy and no matter how many times you wake up you can always go back to sleep? Yeah, well I was like that this morning.. but then the dog started barking and it was my morning to walk him, so I had to get up! D: I was so gutted.
I didn't get to sleep until about half 12 last night, because I did stay up to watch How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. And today has generally been knackering.
I walked the dog and then spent like, 5 hours in front of the TV watching Twilight and Mamma Mia with my mum and sister. That was quite nice; I've not done that for a looong time. Then I had a two hour tutor session for German, and yeah, I got an awful lot done and learned a lot, but it tired out my brain majorly. THen we got home and made tea, watched Doctor Who and now I'm here watching this, where some woman just got her crackers out.
Wasn't expecting thaaaat D:
Omg she got through, too. Jesus, reality TV is shocking.
I'll leave you with a pretty picture for now. I'm too tired to think of anything else to write.
Ciao :) xxx
Tom Kaulitz

Friday, 10 April 2009


Listening to: Kids in Glass Houses - Pillow Talk
But it finally dawned on me how much school keeps me going. That sounds weird and depressive...
What i mean is... without school I realise how tired I always am, but school keeps my mind off it because i'm always doing something. I don't know why i'm so tired though, i don't do anything!?!!
I don't work as hard as some people (although, yes, a lot more than most people), even though people think i don't work that hard because i'm on msn all the time. I don't go to bed late, like, half 9, ten at the latest on a school night, so it makes no sense to me.
I was in bed at quarter past 8 last night, watching Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging last night. Fell asleep at like, ten past ten. So yes, i think it is safe to say i am absolutely knackered.
Right now, though, i don't know if i'm tired or awake. I feel really heavy and sedated, but too heavy and sedated to curl up and sleep. I feel like i need to do something, but am too tired to actually do anything. I'm all achey. Its fucking weeeeiirdd. I can see me being awake for ages when I do try to go to bed because of it. I'm really warm, too, which doesn't help the sedated-ness.
I'm debating putting another film on and falling asleep to that, which is sounding quite appealing right now. With a nice drink and snuggle with a pillow.. 'cause i'm sad like that :D
In which case i'll be off. More blogging tomorrow :)

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Roll on tomorrow!!

Listening to: Tokio Hotel - Wo Sind Eure Haende?
I forgot to blog yesterday. Well, when i say "forgot" I mean, i remembered and never got around to it. :)
Mum has her friend over at the moment, and she's having a tour of the house. She comes into my room and looks out the window and turns on the light. Arghh, it burns! (I sit at my desk with the little lamp on every night, instead, it's much more relaxing :)) and shes like "oooh, i like your posters!" so she's in my good books :D
I BREAK UP TOMORROW! I actually cannot wait. I need a break, and some sleep ins, and just a rest. I know I'll be revising shitloads and that, but just the fact I can revise whenever I want and sleep till 3 in the afternoon is just so lovely. I can bet you anything, though, that tomorrow will go really, really slow, though. Especially double science. Because people will piss about, as per.
Apparently Gustav from TH is a daddy... I don't know if it's true. It's a rumour going around a few TH blogs. We shall have to see... seems unlikely, though, if you ask me :/ It'll be cute if it's true!!

Monday, 6 April 2009

No rest for the wicked

Listening to: Papa Roach - Getting away with Murder

I am still at school, and its lame. Everyone else is on their holidays and i'm not. And even when we are on our holidays i'm still going into school for revision. My school sucks. :)

On a brighter note, i actually learned something in science, i got a B on my maths mock and I think i improved all of my history coursework pieces.

I am now raving to some Papa Roach, whose album artwork for their album "Getting away with Murder" is rather disturbing:
I can't wait for their next album "Metamorphosis" :D

Also, I can't see Placebo when they play the Sheffield 02 Academy in May, because of exams and lack of money. It is soooo depressing. I want to see them sooooo bad!!

Time to go and do something productive


Sunday, 5 April 2009

Part 2

Listening to: Go:Audio - She left me (remix)

It has been a very go:audio weekend, this weekend ;D

Okay, here are my other two pictures.

Satoshi from Saving Aimee:

and Sean from Saving Aimee:

I'm off to bed soon. I'm bushed, and need to sleep because, unlike everyone else, I still have four days of school to go Dx

Byee :)

Part 1

Listening to: Go:Audio - Drive to the city
This song has been on repeat for about an hour. :) Woo.
Okay, I have some of the photos from last night. I'm still awaiting for Naomi to come online and upload/send me them.
With Luke from Saving Aimee:
With Boothy (Andy) from Go:Audio:
I waited ages for that one.
All of us (me, goodman, simone, emily &lisa) with James from Go:Audio:
and this is my favouritest ever picture with a famous person. It looks all cuddly and, as i already said, he held me for like, almost two minutes because Goodman's camera failed. eeeeeeeeee!:
Part two coming later. :)

I'm in so much pain

Listening to: Go:Audio - So Quiet you were

Oh. My. God.
Last night has to be the BEST go:audio gig i've ever been to. I can't move this morning, or talk much (it's not helping that i'm raving and singing along, now..) and i hurt so bad... BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT.

We waited from half past 11, until we went in, about 8 hours and abit, so were were knackered from that, and then we had the actual gig. It was fucking mentaaallll! ;D I got proper into it, although i did start to die a bit towards the end.

After we waited for pictures, got drinks, etc. and then got photos and stuff signed. I'll upload the photos later when Goodman puts them on myspace, and I get my one with James from Simone. Goodman's camera died whilst he had his arm around me and she was faffing and then Simone was like "use my phone!"... So I got held by James for like, a whole minute if not more <3 It felt amazing. I have JAMES GERMS on my hoodie now ;D wowowowow.

We spent most of the day with Simone and her two friends, Lisa and Emily. Goodman kind of knew Simone, and we just talked to them throughout queuing and then at the end, too. It would have been really, really boring, I think, had we not done that. So it was fun ;D The girls in front of us -- who queued even longer than we did -- were pretty funny too :P

I would like to replay that night in October, when they are next touring. Me and Goodman have a pact to go to every headline tour that they do, and this will be our fourth, and my 6th time of seeing them. They're playing the main Academy in Manchester, but I hope they'll be playing Leeds or Sheffield Academy, because they're closer to us.

GAHHHH. i'm soooooooooo happy right now.
So yeah, pictures later, i need to rest now.

...haha like that will happen.

Friday, 3 April 2009

Made up Stories

Listening to: The Saturdays - Issues

I love this song. I'm currently downloading the album (shhh), but it's being so slow! I'm not very patient, tonight, either. I just got a load of other random tuneage, too. Rammstein and Tatu... together. It's like a culture clash! Russian and German, both in one song! Wow. <3>
I realised earlier how much I actually like this song. I gave it up for a little while, because I think I over played it. I'm over that now, though.
Enjoy :)


Listening to: Nickelback - Follow you home

Today has been quite alright. The whole other-way-around-jinxing-thing half worked! I got a really good question... but I didn't have enough time. Fair play, I'll get another 20 minutes in the actual exam, which i will deff. need, it's not ~too~ much to worry about.

I'm so excited it's untrue, about the gig, that is. The rest... not so much. :/

I'm cold. Going for a jumper, may blog later, leute.
Auf wiedersehen x


Thursday, 2 April 2009

Time for a new phase

Listening to: Placebo - English summer rain
I think I have a new favourite band (not including Tokio Hotel, blates). Observe:
Brian Molko is actually gorgeous, no? <3
I have the other part of the English exam tomorrow... I'll probably fail that too, even though I know the poems better than the stories. Maybe if I say i'm not confident it'll jinx it so I do well... unlike the other time. I also have a little extra time on maths, so before I go to bed I need to revise when to use the Sin rule, and when to use the Cosine rule, then I can maybe answer a couple more questions ,)
Oh, I have to bus it to school in the morning. And then home, too. Because my mum has finished work for two weeks now, and my sister finishes tomorrow. I, however, have another week. I am not impressed.
Nicht gut.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009


Listening to: Westlife - Amazing <3

I failed my english exam, jinxed it. I wrote the same point about 5 times in five different ways. We haven't learnt how to structure or write an essay! I hate my teacher. He is crap.

One of my friends is being clingly, so I'm being a bitch them them. Can't help it. Not my fault. >___< It's not that I dont like them, they're just pissing me off at the moment, and I can't fall out with them now. I don't know if they read this so I wont say why. But I end up giving really short, one-word answers and they don't get the message! Gahh, please stop. Just for a while. But then in person they're fine. Its just online.

Anyway... ich bin so muede, jetzt, so ich will ins bett gehen. gute nacht x