Monday, 29 June 2009

Several things

Listening to: Killerpilze - Der Moment

I am so tired. I feel like I may just collaspse... well, I would if i was standing. Which I'm not. It's partly my own fault, though. Didn't get to sleep until at least 5 am... See, I went to leave the computer at half 2, got all cosy in bed and the dog barked and wanted to go out. So having to get un-comfy, go downstairs and have bright lights shining on me re-woke me a bit, and then couldn't sleep. And then about 4 I just couldn't sleep. Was too warm and... not wanting sleep. I think I eventually passed out from tiredness and woke again at half 8. Lovely.

Walking the dog after there was some strange guy who watched me all the way around the field, and he was bending down, and took his shirt off and all sorts. Was pretty scary stuff.

On Saturday I kind of blew my friends off... I was gonna sleep at someone's house with a bunch of other people, but really couldn't be arsed. It was my grandad's birthday though, so it wasn't all my fault. Had a bit of the day with him. They're also going bowling today. They went out on Thursday during the day. And Friday. And they all specifically know I can't go anywhere during the day because I can't get there or back as my mum works, and I live no where near any of them. There aren't many buses I can work, and I'm not wasting £2 on bus fare when I'm trying to save up. They're all of a sudden planning all of these things; it's like "Oooh we've left school, we're gonna lost contact, lets do EVERY SHITTING THING TOGETHER!!" oh shut up. You won't lose contact. Well, at least that's what it seems like. They never used to try do this much stuff. Maybe it's just me, because I don't wanna go to half of them...

On a brighter note, I'm 16 in 18 days. :D:D:D I think I'm going to an Italien or something, then have a few friends back to mine. I have no idea who I'm inviting yet. I also keep meaning to bring up the "nose piercing" subject to mother again, but It'll be like telling her for the first time as she will have forgotten when I last told her, like, last October or something... Hmm. Might wait till after my bday for that, so then she technically can't stop me... I'll figure something out.

Today I'm gonna sleep, write (hopefully..), tweet and not move from my bed other than for the toilet and food. :D


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