Wednesday, 18 February 2009


Listening to: Chris Daughtry - It's not over

Jeeesus, why on EARTH did I wake up at quarter to nine? Quarter to nine!! It's actually insane. You know when you just randomly wake up, and you don't feel tired at all, but then during the day you're actually hanging? I'm gonna be like that today. Should be fun whilst I'm trailing around The White Rose, searching madly for some jeans. I am in desperate need, now. I have some -- my favourites, can I add -- and they have holes in them everywhere, and my mum has patched them around ten times already, I'd guess, so they can't really be fixed anymore :( They're ruined. I've had them... about three years now? Wow, they've been most places with me. Ahh, I'll miss those jeans; they have served me well. ;) But hopefully they'll be replaced with some nice, shiney new ones. Well, not shiney... but you know what I'm getting at.

Last night I began going through my entire iTunes, giving every album an artwork, a task which I have continued this morning (because nobody else sane will be up at the time in the morning). It is rather tedious, but it's making my iTunes look all pretty and organized. :) But having some nice soothing music on in the background is nice, and making it un-boring. I looooove Chris Daughtry's voice. (: It's so pretty.

Righto, shower time I think. I need a break from artworking. I'll probably be back later to either be happy about new purchases, or moan about none. xD

Au revoir!

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