Thursday, 19 February 2009

Music, and language confusion

Listening to: Nevada tan - Geht ab

Why is it that foreign music, in my case German, is always better than the majority of English? Even though we can't understand it? Well, some/most of it for me. I'm getting better at working it out. :) Yay. That's just my opinion, but of all the ones I've come across they're all that little bit different to our music. Meh, whatever.

Today was boring, as usual days are in school holidays. Didn't go to bed until around half two, and then got up needing a piss at about twelve. Had it not been so bright in my room, even with my BLACK curtains, I would have gone back to sleep. Watched Loose Women, which was probably the highlight of my day. I actually love that programme; daytime TV is amazing... say's a person who barely watches TV. Sceptic. After that I took it upon myself to actually do some work 'cause I've done crap all for the past week. I started working through section 3B of my German course (H) and then got bored and decided to do Test Paper 5, which I was meant to do at the end of 2E. I was amazingly happy when I could do it all, apart from about three phrases, without having to look stuff up! I AM actually learning something! Wooooop. And then I started my French questions, and got halfway through before I lost the feeling in my backside because my desk is so uncomfy to sit at. :/ It's really awkward and I have to sit on a really hard buffet.

I'm getting my languages mixed up now, too^^, not clever. In a French question I was trying to remember how to say "also", and I was like.. "no it's not auch its aussi". Just little things like that.. and I'm getting verbs mixed up, like I though machen was "to do" in French, when it's actually "to do" in German, and it's faire in French. Gah, confusing much?

But at least I'm more confident with German word order now. :D

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    I found your profil and saw you like Tokio Hotel, hope you don't mind I leave this comment.

    "Why is it that foreign music, in my case German, is always better than the majority of English? Even though we can't understand it?"
    Maybe it's just because it's not "your language", I mean, english songs most of the times sounds way better than the ones I hear in portuguese. I guess people usually finds more interesting when it's in a foreign language.
