Sunday, 31 May 2009


Listening to: Attack! Attack! - Too bad Son
A few days no blog, huh? I actually started writing here yesterday, but then my internet cut out, and I didn't have enough patience to continue on my phone. I was without decent internet for like, three hours, only to find out the Internet was actually working and all I had to do was restart my laptop. Dunno how that helped, but it did.
And I cleared a load of space on it, too. Like, 7GBs. I need more clearing, though. But, I deleted so much music, and half of it still shows up in my iTunes ><>
Innnn other news, as I was putting in my last blog but never managed it, I got my TH Fashion Against Aids t-shirt with Abi and Susi on thursday. I looooooove it. So pretty, good cause, and TH MERCH IN THE UK. For the first time in like, ever. Kinda. It was such a momentous(sp?) occasion, I just had to take a picture:
and then I took one of me in it for the forum:
I'm gonna have to take another, because the Czech Republic ST are doing a fan action. You send in a picture of you wearing your shirt, they make a collage, and send it off to TH and H&M. So if you have a shirt... DO IT!!
Send your pic WITH YOUR COUNTRY to:
My good deed done for the day.
Anywho, I got bored the other night, and began doodling. Because I'm sad, this came out:
I have barely begun my History revision, done one page, and my exam is on Wednesday. I have around 50 years of European history to learn for then. WOO! I really, really hate history. It's all about Germany, and then my brain shuts off and I daydream. :( Bad times.
Okay. That was a long enough post to make up for my absence.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

To, Simona's Dad :)

Watching: Britain's Got Talent
Okay. SO! Sunday was Slam Dunk. It was AAAAmaaaaaaazing!!!! I'm still totally knackered from it, though, two days later. I've never been so tired after a gig before, in my life xD But it was sooooo worth it.
We get there about half two, after getting lost and getting instructions from a nice Big Issue man, and a taxi driver, and queued for about an hour. My friends got sunburnt, but I was fine as mother forced me to put suncream on before I left. Thank God!
We got in about half three, and the first band that were on were 'Cash Cash'. We only saw about two songs, but they were good. Proper energetic!!:
Cash Cash
Then 'Hey Monday'. The first song was rather out, and after it we found out why. Cassadee couldn't hear anything, and said she was singing in a different key xD:
Hey Monday
Then 'The Audition'. Josh Franchesci from 'Youmeatsix' joined them on stage for one of their songs, and during said song Danny Stevens jumped off the balcony and landed on my friend's head!:
The Audition
The Audition
After we went for 'Hollywood Undead'. They were a lot better than I expected them to be:
Hollywood Undead
We were then going to go and try to catch some of 'We the Kings' but because one of my friends had vanished, and me and Turner were waaaay too tired to move, we sat on the floor and waited for 'We are the Ocean':
Then it was 'Kids in Glass Houses'. I swear, they sound screamo half the time when they play live:
Kids in Glass Houses
Then it was 'Cobra Starship'. They were soooo good live. Also, better than I expected:
Cobra Starship
Then, ohhhhhh my GODDDD. 'THE BLACKOUT'. I love these guys, so there are extra pictures!!!!!:
Finally, we had to leave 'The Blackout' early (*cries*) so we could see the majority of 'Youmeatsix'. To be honest, they weren't as good as I thought they would be. I would MUCH have preferred to stay and finish 'The Blackout' and watch the end of 'Youmeatsix'. Ah, well:
You me at six
Oh, we also stayed and saw a bit of Sean Smith's DJ set. ;D
Sean Smith
oooooft, I would ,)
So yeaaaah. It was an amaaaaazing day, and I would repeat it any day. :D:D:D
On another note, I got my hair dyed today. It is now purple :D These pictures aren't amazing at showing the colour, because my room has reaaally bad lighting, but yeah. It's purple xD

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Ouch :(

Listening to: Meg & Dia - Fight for Nothing
I am in so much pain right now. For a stupid, stupid reason.
I went downstairs to make dinner with my sister, and we started flicking water at each other. She got over-excited, as per usual, pushed me and I proper whacked my elbow against the counter, right next to the pans on the hob. The pan even moved a little, I don't want to think about what would have happened. And now my elbow is killing me, so much it even hurts to type this, but it hurts to move it at all so I'm having to put up with it.
Not good. I was in a reet good mood, before, too.
I have nothing to do today, and am incapable of even writing to try do revision (if I wanted, which I don't), so cannot do anything.
It HAS to be better for tomorrow! Slam dunk...!

Friday, 22 May 2009


Listening to: Tokio Hotel - Stich Ins Glueck [Live]
I'm going through a Tokio Hotel loving-night, tonight. I havent' listened to them in ages (well, about 2-3 weeks properly) and Now listening to them, makes me realise just why I love them so much, waste so much time over them, and obssess like the silly fan-girl I am.
So to celebrate, have a couple of yummy pictures. They were originally raaather large, but they wouldn't fit here so had to be shrunk :(
yummmm <3


Listening to: LaFee - Eiskalter Engel
Goooood afternoon, there! I'm in a rather good mood, and have been most of the day actually. My German listening exam went well, and I'm now half way through those exams. 2 down, 2 to go. Woot. The I went to mum's work -- Batley Parish primary school -- and helped them out in the office, shredding, filling forms, printing stuff off and shizz. :) Then came home, had yummy pasta and watched Loose Women with a brew.
Now I'm in my room, munching on jelly beans!, painting my nails, which I hope will dry pretty soon because I have a dog to walk... and listening to LaFee, whilst researching a (slightly unusual) topic, for a .. project I'm going to start as I have so much time on my hands. I Must be vague, here. :)
I now have no exams until the 1st of June, and that's only a maths one for 75 minutes.

Thursday, 21 May 2009


Listening to: Youmeatsix - If I were in Your Shoes
I get to see these on Sunday!!! After a year or so of wanting to. I also get to see...
The Blackout (for a 2nd time in 2 months), Kids in Glass Houses, The Audition, Attack! Attack!, The King Blues, Cobra Starship, We are the Ocean, Hey Monday, Tonight is Goodbye (for a 4th time), We the Kings (for a 2nd), Paige (for a 3rd time), Sing it Loud, Hollywood Undead, and a few other bands i don't have on my itunes.
It's gonna be BADASSSSS, man.
Well, providing we work out how we're gonna get there... :S haha. I can.not.wait (y)
Today I have done nothing, no revision or anything. I'm now dabbling, sending someone an album, and trying not to go insane from boredom. :)

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


Listening to: Lady Gaga - Fashion
Ahh, this morning has been so nice so far! I feel so refreshed :):) I watched some gmtv, showered, shaved, moisturised, straightened hair, done eyebrows, make up, all of this done whilst raving to a bit of the Gaga, and i just feel really good now :) Nice first day of "study" leave.
I plan on doing a German listening paper in about half an hour, providing my silly tape machine works, then I'm gonna watch the Loose Women with some dindins.
Ps. 2 more photos from the last day
With the Bestie; Jodie;
Connel, Kathryn, Jodie, Jess;
and my companion for the next two months;

Tuesday, 19 May 2009


Listening to: Tokio Hotel - Wo Sind Eure Haende?

Okay, so... I totally fucked up my English Lit exam because of a SPIDER.

There was one on my arm about 15/20 minutes into the exam, and I had to literally bite my tongue to not scream down the exam hall, and I was sat there for about ten minutes after flinging it somewhere - 10 minutes which I needed - trying to calm down and stop almost crying because it scared me so much. So after that I couldn't think, was shaking and on the verge of tears (still am now?!) and my answers were basically shit. I can't believe me, out of the 250 people or so in the room, had to get the spider. It was tiny, too!! I was paranoid all the way through the rest of the exam because I had no idea where it had gone, if it was still on me, or what.

Fuckking hell, my fear of them is just getting worse and worse. I can't believe it's wrecked my paper.

I'm now sat here with my head feeling like it's about to explode. I can't take any painkillers because I've had alcohol and... I'm fucking angry.


Monday, 18 May 2009

2 down

Listening to: Frauelin Wunder - Wir sind Neu
Exams weren't too bad today. RE was maaajor good, 'cause it was easy ;D Maths not so bad, but it could have been worse. And I managed the factorising question! For the first time by myself in like, forever! *pleased*
English Lit tomorrow. I'm going to revise shortly, after showering. Then I have 2 days off to revise, and then German listening on Friday, and then on Sunday i'm going to...
So excited. :D :D
Okay. To the shower! -->

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Et plus

Listening to: The Calling - Wherever You Will Go
Two more photos:
With Goodman;
With Jess and Jess;
We are "The Trinity" and I am Jesus.
I have an RE exam tomorrow, and a Maths exam. So revision is today's plan of action. I'm not going to do much maths, because I can't revise maths. And before I've never revised and still managed an A ,) But I will do some more RE. I want to keep the A i got last year, and this paper is harder than last years. Then Tuesday I have English Lit. I'm feeling okay about that, because of the result I got in the mock, but watch, it'll be an awful paper now... *DIDN'T JINX again* D:
...You know, one of these days you will get posts that aren't all related to exams. Just wait until the 20th of June. They will all be over :D :D
I can't wait!
So now to revise, and to try and find The Calling's second album.

Saturday, 16 May 2009


Listening to: Four Year Strong - Love Song
To add from the last post. The shoes I bought for prom:
prom shoes
Sexy or what?

Mehr fotos

Listening to: The Audition - Edinboro
More photos. There's only one batch left to be uploaded, I think. I look rank on half of them, but I'll live:
Goodman, Amy, Turner, me;
French Class;
I love this one, though; with Amy;
Jonny, Brodie, Amy, Megan, Jodie, me;
with Abi;
Lorna, Jodie, Megan, me;
caught on camera;
Mini Rivitas should be my trademark;
(Jodie, me) and Lorna;
In other news I went shopping for prom dress accessories and shoes today. Went well. Got a black cardy for over my dress, matching bracelet & necklace with rose earrings that are the same colour. And the most gorgeous shoes ever. Shiny silver, about 4 inch, killers. ,) If I can find a picture I'll post them. :)

Friday, 15 May 2009


Listening to: The Humour - Your Robot Dance is in Time
The title of this post is so very relevent. It was my last day in compulsory education today!
So many photos, although I don't have half of them yet. Here are the first few I haaaaave!:
With Jonny;
Mel & Bex;
year 11.
ICT gang;
year 11.
Music crew; kisses!;

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Nom nom

Listening to: Disco Ensemble - Bad Luck Charm
The world is off my shoulders, I can breaaaathe.
And become unhealthy, because my mum bought me a cake for getting through them ^_^ Lemon Drizzle; my faavourite. Love to the Mother :)
I don't think I did my best, because she said "It's definately a higher grade" as opposed to what she said last time "It's most likely an A". Damnit.
I want my A* overall, and if I get a B in my oral that's gonna be maaajor hard. I only want an A* in French. Come on, life, stop being a bitch and be nice for one subject, please.
A C would be nice in German, maybe a B if I push alllll my luck, and a B in history seeing as my coursework will bring me up a grade. :)
I took great pleasure in ripping all of the post-its on my wall down earler, too. Had to be careful not to rip the posters, though. And on Monday night I can take down my RE Keywords, which I still need to learn, and then everything bad is off my walls.
FRIDAY is my last day of year eleven. Then it's off to College, babyyyy!
Bring it.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009


Listening to: Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire
Paniking about tomorrow. Don't know half my questions now, and can't remember my presentation.

Monday, 11 May 2009


Listening to: Katy Perry - One of the Boys
Today was sad. The first day of my last week of my final year of highschool. If you got that. Everyone began writing in the "signing books" people are bringing in. It's rather sentimental. :) People say the nicest things. I felt the loooove.
I currently have a major headache, which I've had since about 10, and even with so many painkillers I've not been able to shift it, so this will be a short and sweet post until tomorrow.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Close up

Listening to: The Maine - The Way We Talk
An upclose of Tom's new do:
Tom Kaulitz
I think I am actually IN love with his hair oO

Oh, my Jesus

Listening to: Nirvana - Come as You Are

I'm only posting one as the others have a weird-ass man in them.

Kaulitz Twins

Tom actually looks so hot. I love his new hair, now. Lovelovelove. And he has an ear piercing. And a new ring in his lip. And has dyed his hair & eyebrows to match.
And omg. I love him I love him I love him.

*fan girl moment*

Bill however, I'm still not feeling so much.


Saturday, 9 May 2009

Deux chansons

Listening to: Kelly Clarkson - Long Shot
I have this song by Katy Perry, also, heh. Her version is better, I think, her voice is more suited to it. Although they're both good.
I downloaded (shh) Kelly Clarkson's new album today, and am currently in the process of listening to it. It's quite good, much better than her first album, well, most ofthe songs are better. Behind These Hazel Eyes is still my favourite from the first album. I must import that into my iTunes later on. :)
I finally wrote out all my french answers, using part of a Curly Wurly as a reward for when I finished one set. It must be said, I work a lot better with a chocolatey insentive. I surprised myself by knowing them better than I thought I did, or being able to make something up if I didn't know them, so maybe it's not out of this world to think I'll have them learnt for Wednesday.
Ben has two friends over, who keep staring at me. They're in year 10, so aged 14-15. Remember that Ben is 17, now. Although, I have to say, it's a step up from the 5-7 year olds he plays with on the estate. That is just perverted. He needs to grow up and find some friends of his own age. Seriously.
Umm, Right now I have nothing to do. I'm reading some shizz, and debating whether or not to go and get some more pizza from downstairs. ^_^
Au revoir :)

Ah, fack

Listening to: Paramore - Hello Hello
I jinxed myself. Why, oh, why.
No Lady Gaga in June.
But not all hope is lost.
She told Paul O''Grady the Fame Ball Tour will arrive in the UK. I will hopefully go to that instead.
*did not jinx that*
Now onto a day of French.
Je ne veux pas :(

Friday, 8 May 2009


Listening to: Forever the Sickest Kids - Breakdown
Gaga tickets still haven't come online yet. They were meant to, today. I'm peeved. I want them, already.
And, well, im not even thinking about the possibility they've already sold out.
Surely it would say so.
I will just keep checking. :(


Listening to: Lady Gaga - Viva la Vida (Live Lounge)
Omg. 29th June, 09.
I AM (almost definately) SEEING LADY GAGA!!
With Amiee. For my birthday. In Manchester.
It's just a matter of buying tickets now.
I. am. SO. excited.


Listening to: Meg & Dia - Here, Here and Here
General puzzle:
I was walking my loveeeeely doggie tonight, right, and whilst I was out it amazed me how much owners are mean to their pets. I picked a really bad time to go out - there was like 6 other dogs on the field - and other than about two of them, the others were being pulled one way, then the other, really harshly.
It just made me think. I wouldn't dare do that to my Bob. Maybe a light tug to let him know we're moving on, but never a full on yank!
Like one woman/man (I actually couldn't tell) was tugging her dog so hard it could move more than maybe ten centimetres away from her leg at all. It's awful.
/General puzzle.
It's the weekend. Wooooo!
More later, jeunes :)

Thursday, 7 May 2009

The worst is over

Listening to: Placebo - Black-Eyed
I got decent ones asked; Personal Relationships and Education like I wanted. But then a couple of the Environments which weren't so hot with me. I managed. Fucked up a few word order rules out of nervousness, and reworded half my answers but its over.
I must have been shaking so bad because I now ache positively everywhere, and am so relieved I could actually cry.
I have to say, the teacher was WELL impressed with me. To quote: "It's all downhill now", because apparently her class are, well, sheisse. ;)
Now only 50 French ones to learn, but they shouldn't be too bad. I can ad-lib those if needs must.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009


Hoer dir das an: Frauelin Wunder - Mein Herz ist Gift fuer Dich
Oh mein Gott. Ich habe Angst ueber meine Deutschpruefung, Morgen! Ich denke, dass ich nicht fertig bin.
Oh dear.
Das ist alles, Heute.
Wuenschen mir Glueck(?)!!
Auf Wiedersehen.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


Listening to: Meg & Dia - Monster (again)
Jess came over yesterday, and we had a Tokio Hotel day. It was awesome. Spent the day drooling over Tom. Heh, was veeerry nice, indeed. ;)
41 hours until my German oral. The countdown is now in hours, not days. I'm scared I'm gonna freeze up and forget everything because I get major nervous. Shiiiiite, or rather, Sheeeeiisse.
I haven't even begun learning my French.
Je suis intelligente ^o)

Monday, 4 May 2009

Fashion against aids

Listening to: Tokio Hote - Durch den Monsun
Okay, so H&M have this "Fashion Against Aids" thing going, where stars/bands design a shirt/hoodie/similar and 25% or so of the profits go to charity. Tokio Hotel are in on this; here they are modelling their shirt. It says "Rock Hard, F*** Safe (apparently the *'s are mini TH symbols, too ;D)
Tokio Hotel - &quot;Fashion Against Aids&quot;
Apart from Bill's hair, which I think looks a little daft down (up, I don't mind it), they look so hot.
The twins have definately got competition now. Gustav has cut his hair and with his glasses he look extremely cute, and Georg has lost some chubby-ness (not that he had much) and now looks very handsome. Bill looks good if I ignore his hair, and Tom looks a little out of it, and his hair looks a little uncared for (but he's changed it now, so what's it matter? ]:)
So yeah. Mmmmm, this will tide me over a little longer. :)

Sunday, 3 May 2009

The best day of my life

Listening to: Tokio Hotel - Heilig

I'm reminiscing the best day of my life. This is Claire's video on youtube of Liverpool EMA's, when Tokio Hotel came outside to give us autographs, even though they were meant to go out the back!

At 0:18, the "thank you!" is me, and when you hear someone say "Omg jess you're gonna love this" at about 0:30, that is me and my friend having a conversation. I was next to the person with the glove, so this is pretty much like the view I had.
...I can't remember it, though. I got starstruck D:

And then, another video, just because it is amazing. It is the best thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Tom and Bill Kaulitz's Stepdad's band, Fatun. Video: Meine Stadt:



Listening to: Lafee - Heul Doch [Live]
I'm not sure about these pictures. I have too much foundation on, me thinks.