Saturday, 28 February 2009

From good to bad

Listening to: Metallica - Wherever I may roam

Up until about half an hour ago, today has been amazing. I met Naomi, and it was awesome, hilarious, and Tom-filled. XD I had been instructed to wear my Tom shirt, too, so I did, and it was coooool. I walked into posts, people whilst looking for a shop called COW (that we never find), and a barried, and Naomi walked into people? and then almost fell down an escalator. I shouldn't laugh, but it was so funny. :')

We went into HMV, just to see if we could find any Tokio Hotel shizz, but with low hopes. And guess what... WE FOUND SCREAM! We were cheeky and moved the 'Chart' sign like so:
Of course, we removed Take That. xD
Then Naomi bought the CD... it was the last one. :D Some people must have bought the rest, then! Wooooo!

But then I get home, online, and then a phonecall from Abi and Rachel, asking for my school account password. They can not have it because it gives away many other passwords I have. So they get pissy, saying all the work I did wasn't on the memory stick. Well, of course it's not because you didn't tell me to put it on there! ...although Abi says it was the first thing she told me. Yeah, well I got told many other things after that, so I forgot. FFS, sue me! >__< Then they ask me to log onto my account via home, which I thought I could do. Turns out I can't because it means downloading something onto my laptop, which I'm not doing either because I have virtually NO space left on it, so I'm not filling it with shit I don't need. Then her MUM rings me up, and asks me, so I say no again and again. Then the line went weird so I left. Next they bitched at me and kept asking and asking, to which I said no, no, and then blocked them.

They'll be pissed at me on Monday, but I don't care. Fuckin' yearbook. With all the stress it's causing it better be bloody good now.

Onto a lighter note...
Susi found this picture:
Tom Kaulitz's hands. Can you say yummy?

Friday, 27 February 2009


Listening to: Britney spears - If U Seek Amy

Woooooooooo, I just got exam 5 back. In my past German tests I've gotten... 66, 67, 68 and 65%, which equate to a B.
This time, though... 88%!!! Which is an A!! :D
As you can tell I am pleased.

So is Tomi!
Sweet kid ;)

Ughh, sometimes...

Listening to: Aiden - Moment

Okay, right, serious question time. Is it totally irrational to have to be asked to do something once? Is it seriously that bad that you'll go in a strop every time I don't offer to do something off my own back? Is it, really? Mother -.- I understand that asking two and three times isn't good, nor acceptable, but come on, having to ask once, or hint about the washing up needing to be done, or similar, is it that much work, is it? Pffff.

I found mum and David's valentines cards earlier... Eugh, someone kill me now. They couldn't have actually bought each other anything soppier than what they did. "I love you" "You're my everthing" "I love you now and always". Oh go to hell, cards.

Meh, whatever, I'm in a ~generally~ good mood tonight so I won't dwell and make me not. Here, you can have some of my whorish pictures that I took last night out of boredom. I was faffing about with my lamp next to my webcam, which explains the "over-exposure", as Bee so quaintly put it, in them. :)



OH OH OH! I can't believe this wasn't the first thing I was going to write! Terrible! Ack, I'M MEETING NAOMI TOMORROW! :D I'm well buzzin', man. xD I have been told to wear my Tom shirt, so I will, and I'm gunna wear my new(ish) jeans. Eeeee, Meadowhall watch out!

And oh, we had an assembly today. Made me think some things over.
RIP Daddy + Tom.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

My back now aches

Listening to: The killers - Human

I've been sat at my desk now for 5 hours? minus half an hour for bathroom trips and a dog walk about 30 minutes ago. I missed school today and probably did more work at home that I would have done there. Typical, ain't it? I ended up translating 60 German questions into English, and then answering ten. I doesn't sound like much to answer, but answering JUST them took me almost two hours!! ...I have 50 left, so that's like... another 10 hours of answering questions and flicking through dictionaries. Plus ten more french ones when we get them, although they don't take me as long because I don't have to faff about with word order much. Then I have another whole section (number 4) and three more parts of a section left of my German course to do, all before ~hopefully~ the middle of April at the latest. I want the course done by March though, then I have time to go and remember it all for May!

Shit, this is so much on my plate :(

I'm gunna drown in foreign-ness and strange words soon.
If it doesn't pay off now, in 2 years, or in chuffin' 20 years, I will not be best pleased.

They say if you work for something hard enough you'll get it.
I sure hope that's gunna work for me.

Wish me luck.

Now I need something to calm me down.
Have some pretty faces:


Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Term time - once again

Listening to: Tokio Hotel - Ich bin nich' ich [Live]

Photobucket is a gay. First all the pictures in my last post were tiny, then they went massive and then I resized them to the size they are now. It's a pisstake is that website. And it takes forever to load for me, too. Pshh.

Going back to school has been uneventful. I'm piled under coursework ALREADY, although I must say half of it is only to make corrections/add bits and pieces... until we get a load more history. But that is going to be on evacuations so it should ~hopefully~ be a little more interesting than the Battle of Britain, or Dunkirk. *sigh* I'm still not looking forward to it, though...

Everyone else is the same as they were, but whose gunna change over a week? Exactly.

I got my official acceptance letter to college, so when they receive my reply, I will be going to Huddersfield New College for definite. Eeeee, exciting. xD! I'm already wanting to go. I can't wait to leave Fishers. I never want to be there anymore and I think it's because I know I'm going to college, I just want to leave now. I have no patience for high school anymore. I can't wait to GET OUT!

End of. :)

Monday, 23 February 2009


Listening to: Funeral for a friend - Rules and games

So, yesterday I saw Tonight is Goodbye & Attack! Attack!
It was amazing.
The acoustic set Goodman won before hand was awesomeeee, if not a little awkward, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. xD So that was good.
We got free merch (a t-shirt from each band, together worth £20) and an AAA (access alll areas) pass, which we got to keep. :D

We got pictures with them all at the end... and here they are:

Ryan from Attack! Attack!

Neil from Attack! Attack!

Ant from Tonight is Goodbye

Thomas from Tonight is Goodbye

and Casey from Tonight is Goodbye

For some reason they're all really small everywhere I post them... meh, gay things.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

I killed Goodman

Listening to: Attack! Attack! - Too bad son

Is it possible to die from laughter?

"...Tom just pops up out of nowhere and acts like nothing happened"

"Bye Rammstein, hello WTF! *WTK!"
"haha. Hello WTK :')"

"just pause it for a couple of minutes. you wont die"
"ouch. i have died"

"i am actually silently loling. can you even lol silently? because it's laugh out LOUD?"
"if you're a china man you can"
"yeah. they lift their shoulders and squint their eyes"
"but thats no sound. it's like.. lwsae. laughing with shoulders and eyes"

"whenever i type "exclaimation" i type slowly 'cause i cant spell it. when i type it quickly i get it wrong. see? EXCLAMATION!"

"i sound like a donkey"
"DONKEY! i bet cha look like one too!"

"STOP IT!! my dad will kill me!"
"stuff some dirty socks in your gob then. you wont laugh"

"i blame you and tom popping up and chewing gum and lack of sleep"
"lack of sheep!"
"c..a..n..t.. ..b..r..e..a..t..h..e.."
"did you know i have a blue frog in my pond? THAT'S WHAT ATE MY SHEEP!!!"
"i'm actually gonna die"

"you know what i blame most? this chuddy is supposedly sugar free"

..are you actually dead?!"

Tonight has been the best by far.
i love you, naomi and goodman :)

Friday, 20 February 2009

Christina Klein

Listening to: LaFee - Tell me why



I love that woman, and her band. I am going through such a phase of LaFee right now, and I love it. xD
Isn't she gorgeous?!
The only disappointment is her english songs. Whoever translated them should be fired. They're crap!

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Music, and language confusion

Listening to: Nevada tan - Geht ab

Why is it that foreign music, in my case German, is always better than the majority of English? Even though we can't understand it? Well, some/most of it for me. I'm getting better at working it out. :) Yay. That's just my opinion, but of all the ones I've come across they're all that little bit different to our music. Meh, whatever.

Today was boring, as usual days are in school holidays. Didn't go to bed until around half two, and then got up needing a piss at about twelve. Had it not been so bright in my room, even with my BLACK curtains, I would have gone back to sleep. Watched Loose Women, which was probably the highlight of my day. I actually love that programme; daytime TV is amazing... say's a person who barely watches TV. Sceptic. After that I took it upon myself to actually do some work 'cause I've done crap all for the past week. I started working through section 3B of my German course (H) and then got bored and decided to do Test Paper 5, which I was meant to do at the end of 2E. I was amazingly happy when I could do it all, apart from about three phrases, without having to look stuff up! I AM actually learning something! Wooooop. And then I started my French questions, and got halfway through before I lost the feeling in my backside because my desk is so uncomfy to sit at. :/ It's really awkward and I have to sit on a really hard buffet.

I'm getting my languages mixed up now, too^^, not clever. In a French question I was trying to remember how to say "also", and I was like.. "no it's not auch its aussi". Just little things like that.. and I'm getting verbs mixed up, like I though machen was "to do" in French, when it's actually "to do" in German, and it's faire in French. Gah, confusing much?

But at least I'm more confident with German word order now. :D

I am incredulously happy right now

Listening to: Lady Gaga - Boys boys boys

I am actually in love with this woman. Ahhh, she's amazing. <3
(I was gunna put a video up, but I can't right nowwww, dun' know how to do it. Needs to ask Amiee tomorrow :D)

I am in such a weird mood right now. I'm actually knackered, but I'm not tired at all, at the same time. So I'm sat here raving to Lady Gaga, talking to Goodman and faffing with my MySpace profile.

It's all gooooooooooooood :)

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

I just made tea :)

Listening to: Sara Bareilles - Love song (Live)

I got new jeans! Lovely (shiney) ones from Select, totaling up at £20, which I don't think was too bad considering the prices of some others. I'm happy about that! But, I spent around half an hour to an hour searching for a simple black cardy, which I couldn't find anywhere. And when I did find one in New Look, it was a random one in the wrong place in a teeeeny size, so hmm, I wasn't impressed. I don't know what to wear on Sunday now...;

Me and Goodman, dearest, have a provate acoustic performance from two amazing bands - Attack! Attack!, and Tonight is goodbye, because she won a competition they held! Amazing, huh?! So anyway, I have the jeans and no top. Not going down well with me, at the moment. I may have to raid mine and my mothers wardrobes for something -- Don't worry, she's a cool, "trendy" mum. xD Rofl. :) I'm sure I'll find something...


Listening to: Chris Daughtry - It's not over

Jeeesus, why on EARTH did I wake up at quarter to nine? Quarter to nine!! It's actually insane. You know when you just randomly wake up, and you don't feel tired at all, but then during the day you're actually hanging? I'm gonna be like that today. Should be fun whilst I'm trailing around The White Rose, searching madly for some jeans. I am in desperate need, now. I have some -- my favourites, can I add -- and they have holes in them everywhere, and my mum has patched them around ten times already, I'd guess, so they can't really be fixed anymore :( They're ruined. I've had them... about three years now? Wow, they've been most places with me. Ahh, I'll miss those jeans; they have served me well. ;) But hopefully they'll be replaced with some nice, shiney new ones. Well, not shiney... but you know what I'm getting at.

Last night I began going through my entire iTunes, giving every album an artwork, a task which I have continued this morning (because nobody else sane will be up at the time in the morning). It is rather tedious, but it's making my iTunes look all pretty and organized. :) But having some nice soothing music on in the background is nice, and making it un-boring. I looooove Chris Daughtry's voice. (: It's so pretty.

Righto, shower time I think. I need a break from artworking. I'll probably be back later to either be happy about new purchases, or moan about none. xD

Au revoir!

Tuesday, 17 February 2009


Listening to: Tokio Hotel - On the edge

I think I'm going to have a bit of a Tokio Hotel day today; play the albums, watch my DVD's later on, maybe more than once like usual, to cheer me up a bit, because today has been lame, seriously lame.

Last night I had a couple of fucked up dreams -- let me inform you.
- Firstly, I logged onto THUKST (Tokio Hotel UK Street Team) and I saw that I had a private message from one of the Admins, because their name was in red like they actually are. And the message was demanding that I had to go to the meet-up they're planning because they didn't want me to miss out. (As it is, I'm not going :/)
-Secondly, I went swimming with mother, and we went to Batley Sports and Tennis Centre. It was dark, but like, 2pm in the day or something. She parked the car sideways across one parking space, and it still managed to fit. Then we went inside and swam, and there was someone with dreadlocks. THEN, I was getting changed after, and there was a male lifeguard in the girls changing rooms, and he looked just like Uppham(sp?) from Saving Private Ryan, which I watched last night :S And I was talking to him like he was my best friend. Hmm. And as we left we couldn't find the car in the dark car park, and looked inside about 4 C3's until we found ours which we walked past right at the beginning...

So those were my dreams, and then I woke up with mega bad hiccups.

Anyway, our visitors left this afternoon :( and just after my sister sat on my head. She actually sat on my head!! So now I feel sick, and have a really, really bad headache, and I will do until these chuffin' pain killers kick in, dammit! And she's just being narky at me all the time, so I have holed myself up in my bedroom, with no intention of talking to her until she calmes down and apologizes.


Monday, 16 February 2009

I never thought I would do that

Listening to: The red jumpsuit apparatus - No spell

Well, I have just pleasantly surprised myself, by sitting and watching the majority of Saving Private Ryan, something I never thought I'd be doing, after having my hands in front of my face all the way through History that time. :D I was talking on msn, and then ended up going downstairs for a drink after scoffing waaaaaay too many pear drops, ack. Upon reaching the lower level, I was talked into watching the film with Will, and then abandoned my computer. :P I'm glad I did though, 'cause I actually enjoyed the film..! And Will's sarcastic comments all the way through about how Uppham(sp?) annoyed him as he never shot anyone until it was too late, were highly amusing, rofl. That boy is just lols.

And how he does everything in his power to not go into Ben's room with him is also entertaining. I was informed earlier that he actually doesn't like him all that much, and that Ben is acting a little... stalkerish? He's all "William, come and watch a film in my room?" and Will's all, "No, I'm just talking to Jess at the minute."

...five minutes later. "Want to watch that film now, William?" "Um, no, I need to get a drink and stuff, and I'm still talking..."

Poor guy. He's off home tomorrow, though, so he'll escape him. Providing Ben doesn't try and rape him in his sleep tonight, because the silly sod agreed to share his room, rather than sleeping on the sofa, which I actually think would have been a wiser choice. xD

But yes, I have enjoyed tonight. It's been pretty awkward between Will, me and Emily yesterday night and earlier today, but Ben was at work tonight so it was just like old times. :') And then Emily buggered off to watch Corrie, too. Then we spent half an hour bitching about everyone from our years and school, and comparing how good of a goalpost we both are... I think I beat him, because he actually does something to the ball, whereas I just stand there. :)

Anyway, I can now say I have watched Saving Private Ryan, and I also refrained from crying! It almost got me at the end, but I managed it, and of that I am proud. ;D


Listening to: Evanescence - Whisper

Most of today has been rather... boring so far. I was in the middle of copying out a bunch of French oral questions at about one, and then got interrupted and dragged on a walk into town. One good thing out of that though, was it got me a pasty, and we found this amazing old-fashioned sweet shop that sells pear-drops and jelly beans(!!), so I think I'll be visiting there more often. I swear, if you ever want something from me, within reason, just get me jelly beans and I'm all yours. ;D

Anyway, yeah, then we get back in about an hour and a bit later, sat down with coffee's and shit, and then mum checks her emails. Yesterday I emailed my German tutor asking her about the questions I need for my German oral, and she replied with like "ask the exam board". Gee, thanks, so if I hadn't emailed her, I would never have been told that little bit of oh-so-helpful info. I'll just, y'know, walking into the exam and ad-lib the whole thing. Hmm, 'cause that would work! ICS is lame. NEVER USE IT. Unless you are desperate, like I was.

Now I'm just sat in bed, with the laptop burning my knees whilst I wait until later when I have to make tea, two lasagnes; one veggie pour moi, and a non-veggie pour les autres. Difficult, well, no, but just a pain in the ass. They should just all turn veggie like me. ;D They'd all be soooo much healthier.

But yeah, I'm bored. Fun?

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Because I have no life

Listening to: The Audition - The ultimate cover up

I've just fallen in love with these guys ^^

And, as the title of this states, a random quizz:

1. What was the highlight of your week?
Breaking up for a week

2. Whose car were you in last?
My mothers

3. When is the next time you will kiss someone?
I have no clue.

4. What color shirt are you wearing?
White, blue, red, black.

5. How long is your hair?
Just on my shoulders

6. Are you good looking?

7. Last movie you watched?
Yes Man

Who were you with?
Jodie, Megan, Brodie & Amy <3

9. Last thing you ate?
Fruit and nut chocolate.

10. Last thing you drank?
Chocolate Frijj

11. When was the last time you had your heart broken?
I haven't.

12. Who came over last?
Hmm, I'm not actually sure. Megan and Jodie to pick me up, I think.

Are you happy right now?
I guess so.

14. What did you say last?
"Emm, shut up".

15. Where is your phone?
Nex to me.

16. What color are your eyes?

17. Are you left-handed?Nope.

18. Spell your name without vowels:
Jssc. Nice.

19. Do you have any pets?
Bobby, the dog.

20. Favorite Vacation?Florida, 2001?

21. What do you dislike currently?
Many people.

22. What are you listening to?
The Audition

23. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
Hmm, a few things.

24. What is your favorite scent?
Fresh air.

25. Who makes you happiest?
Hmm, them.

26. What were you doing at midnight last night?Catching up :)

27. When is your birthday?
17th of July

28. Who has the same phone as you?
Probably many people.

29. Last time you went swimming in a pool?
I don't even remember.

30. Do you read your horoscope?
No, bullcrap.

31. Where was the last place you bought something?
Tescos :')

32. How do you feel about your hair right now?
I like it :)

33. Do you bite your nails?
No, ew.

34. Do you have any expensive jewelery?

35. Do you have any expensive jewelery?
You already asked me this.

36 Myspace or facebook?

37. How fast have you driven a car?
Extremely slowly.

38. Have you ever smoked?

39. What was or is your favorite subject in school?

40. Do you have Verizon?

41. What type of boy or girl do you usually fall for?
Unreachable ones -.-

42. Do you have any hidden talents?

43. Favorite Song?
Tokio Hotel - An deiner seite (Ich bin da)

44. Do you like to sing at all?
Yeah :)

45. Dream Job?

46. Where does most of your family live?
All over the place

47. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
I have a sister, and a half sister who is a bitch ;D

48. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?

49. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
Crap, bathroom is occupied.

50. Do you drink?

51. Know any other languages?
French & German

52. Ever write a coded message?
Don't think so

53. Have you ever been IN a wedding?

54. Do you have any children?
I should hope not.

55. Did you take a nap today?

56. Who has the same birthday as you?
Tom Fletcher from McFly ;)

57. Ever met anyone famous before?
Several people ;D

58. Do you want to be famous one day?
No thanks.

59. Any Pet Peeves?
Dirty nails, bad grammar.

60. Are you multitasking right now?

61. Do you like Britany Spears?
She's okay.

62. What is your least favorite chore?
Washing up D:

63. Last place you drove your car?
I didn't.

64. Ever been out of the country?

65. Where were you born?
Dewsbury District Hospital ;)

66. Could you handle being in the military?

67. What is your average cell phone bill?
Oh, the beauties of contract.

68. Who are you thinking about right now?
Him... now.

69. When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard?
Hmm, not sure.

70. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

71. Are your toes always painted?
Pretty much.

72. How many piercings do you have?

What are you doing today?

74. Have you ever been gambling?
With maltesers ;D

75. When is the last time you updated your page?

76. Do you like rollercoasters?

77. Have you ever been to disneyland or world?
Both :)

78. Do you have a favorite cartoon character?

79. Last thing you cooked?
Spag bol, me thinks.

80. How's the weather?
No idea.

81. Do you e-mail?

82. What's the stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
Bashed it against a bollard and broke the screen.

83. Last time you were sick?
Years back.

84. What states have you lived in?
England, please.

85. Do you wish you could move?

86. Do you take all the quizzes?

87. What is your dream car?
No idea.

88. Have you ever wanted someone you cant have?

89. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?
There, with him, and them, doing that :)

90. Are you happy with your life?
I guess.


Listening to: Panic at the disco - Time to dance

Well, that's a huge load off. My science coursework is all finished, typed up, and e-mailed to my teacher. Thank God. I hope I never have to see it again!

David's family have been and gone, and they brought their niece? I think, and she was just the most adorable little thing ever :') She tried reading a french and german dictionary, and she loved my posters, clever lass ;]

The other's aren't here yet, but they should be here at any time. :)

Oh no, they're here.


Today should be good

Listening to: Paramore - Another day

Last night was actually really nice, and I have found a reason to like Facebook, because before I didn't. I managed to find a really, really old friend, via another really, really old friend. And we just talked. I reminisced(sp?)... and then stayed up until like, half 2, for which I am now paying for as the shower woke me up at about quarter past ten.

Philip, Hayley and William are coming up from Bristol, today, too, and I'm excited to see them. The last time I saw them was at their wedding, ahh, that was nice. :) Although some random family of David's are coming to visit first... I don't know who. He has too many siblings... I don't even try to remember their names anymore.

Oh, and I am going through a rather large Lady Gaga phase. Everything she does is amazing, even though it's the opposite to everything else about me. But we're all allowed a guilty pleasure, right? ;)

Anywho, I should really be doing some work right now, so I better get my ass outta bed and to my desk, but I may have to pop by the kitchen for a brew first.

Toodlepip :)

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Prettiness, valentines day, tee shirt.

Listening to: Katy Perry - Waking up in Vegas


I saw this picture earlier today , and I happen to think that it's the most beautiful thing I've seen in a while, actually. Any Tokio Hotel haters reading this, button it. They're both so photogenic it makes you sick.

So, today is Valentines day. Lame. It's all comercial crap, where companies make rubbish heart-shaped goods to flunk at mad prices for the few guys who have forgotten to get the lady something "special". Mum and David are out already, nice, just leave us here with Ben then, yeah, it's fine.

And can I just thank Simona, again, for the wonderful, amazing, beauuuutiful tee shirt she got me for Christmas. I love you, chick!

I didn't expect that

Listening to: Panic at the disco - The only difference between martyrdom and suicide is press coverage

My mum just came in and handed me two bags of Liquorice Allsorts, (which I recently found are extremely yummy), and a Frijj. She must be in a giving mood. :)

Diving straight in...

Listening to: Youmeatsix - Gossip

I never used my old blog, or the one before that, so I don't know if I'll be loyal to this one either, but let's give it a bash, ey?

I got into college on Thursday night, Huddersfield New College, to be exact. It was such a relief to know that I would actually be leaving Fishers. I can't actually wait, and it's seven months away. I'm leaving all the shit behind, and all the losers I don't care about, along with a few others who may think they're not in that category, but actually are. Sure, I'll be sad to see a few leave, but if they're that bothered about losing contact with me, they'll keep contact. I go on msn enough, geez.

To get onto my preffered course at college, however, I shouldn't be sat here doing this. I should be working on my German... but I think that because I've been doing it all morning, well, since about half twelve, I can be forgiven right? I have English revision, Science coursework, and French questions to do, hopefully before tomorrow night, and then all the more German on top of that.

It better all pay off in the end.