Listening to: Tokio Hotel - An Deiner Seite (Ich Bin Da)
Sooo, today was college day. Last night was bad. After trying for days to get a reply from Kathryn (friend from Fishers who I was gonna go with..), and failing, and not having her number, mum ended up taking me. It was so daunting, being there by myself, but I've really gotta suck it up. I swear, I have chronic shyness or something, so I'm quite proud of myself for managing some time alone. Anyway, then I got lost and this teacher asked where I wanted to go, which was Psychology, and in there was two girls. I got talking to them, and then went with them for the rest of it. They were nice, and knew of/like Tokio Hotel, which was a bonus, and really rather surprising. One is taking Psychology & German, like me, so may be in my classes, which is alreet.
In all, the day was shit, pointless, and totally unnecessary. I got given some websites... that's it. Wasted an entire morning, and got up at twenty to fucking seven for nothing, really. Yeah, made some friends, and It hopefully won't be so daunting in September, but even so. Beside the point.
Tom added comments to his blog... It's funny, it was literally only on the Sunday when he began it (I think), that I was thinking about how good it was without fangirling comments. Now, I can fangirl as much as the next obsessive, but there's a time and a place. And that place is not on Tom's blog, where he -- or crew, or other band member, or any one who actually blogs or whatever (if I'm being cynical) can see. There is physically only one decent comment per page (out of about 5000 comments... in one afternoon!!), saying the comments are a bad idea. Every other is like "Come to my country *insert name*" or "TOM I LOVE YOU" or "Tom, Tell Bill I love him!" Blah blah blah. And ip adresses can be seen, which is odd. And worrying.
I just hope they crash his computer or something, so they're forced to take them down. *evil* But seriously, even with 21000+ votes FOR comments, they should have known it would turn out exactly like this.
The only upside I can see, is that they may realise some more countries want them to visit. That is, if they ever see the comments with said countries in, anyway.
6 days until my birthday :D