Yesterday was AMAZING. There's so much to say about it, that if I tried to write it all here it would take me hours on end, so I'll just put up some photos and captions. :)

Pulled Apart By Horses (who actually gave me a headache D=)

Then we went to a Youmeatsix signing.

The Surprise Act was a band who's name I don't know, but consisted of DAVE GROHL (Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stoneage, Nirvana), JOSH HOMME (Queens of the Stoneage), and John Paul Jones (LED ZEPPLIN).


During the day I bought myself a beaaautiful PLACEBO t-shirt, because I've wanted one for aaages, and even though I didn't see them (they play Sunday... :/) I still got it. :D

During the rest of the day I also saw Patrick Wolf, White Lies, The Prodigy (from very far away), Arctic Monkeys, The Gossip, 65daysofstatic... they're all I remember.
So, apart from the hour where I was terrified for Jess (even though she was perfectly okay, just a bit squashed), it was a fucking amaaaazing day. Bring on Next year!!! ...Although I could NOT camp. I'd buy three day tickets and do lots of travelling, instead :p
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