After another long lack of absense (during which I've been lazy and in Spain), I am back. Hopefully will blog more often, if I can sort my act out. :p
Spain was a lot better than I thought it would be; because Ben and David came I thought it would be hellish. It was boring in places, and way too hot, and I got burnt in the shade on the first full day -__-

That was 3 days after, so it had calmed a little by then. It was painful; still peeling now.
The views from the patio outside the house:

Then we were made to have some pictures on the second to last day. They're actually pretty nice.

In other news, I adore the new TH song "Automatisch"/"Automatic", I get my GCSE results TOMORROW (*panic mode*) and I have my college enrollment interview on Tuesday.
Wish me luck!