Listening to: Kings of Leon - Use somebody
I have to say, as amazing as their album is, I hate the album artwork. Four heads mashed together with a bird. Wtf is up with that?! Kinda spoils it a little.
I woke up at 7am this morning, if not earlier 'cause I kinda stared at the ceiling for a while before deciding to see what time it was. I am NOT impressed, and am now suffering the consequences of going to bed at around 2am, with a blinding headache. I was only up 'cause I was downloading somthing... which is still downloading now... only at 54%! after around 6 hours of downloading, because of course my laptop turned itself to standby in the middle of the night. Blah. It's worth it to have the thing on my ipod providing it works. :D haha. I won't jinx it by saying any more.
I learnt today that Lady Gaga is touring with Cinema Bizarre! WHY IN GODS NAME?! Is she crazy?! Well, apparantly so... She is sooo much better than them! (If you don't know who they are, they're some glam-rock, wanna be visual-kei, pop band from Germany who sing in English.) They're songs are mediocre, and are just about listenable to but nothing in the same league as Lady Gaga's. Alas, I will never know why she chose them.
Everyone seemed to get into Fishers sixth form yesterday, and now people are confused. Then it all crashed on me... I'm actually leaving them all. Some of them.. no offence, but I can't wait to get rid of, and others I don't want to. And the fact that I won't know anyone is beginning to bug and scare me already... in March! I'm so shy in new places, and I pretty much have just stuck to the same few friends for the past 5 years, other than a couple - online pals don't count. :( I don't even know if I can remember how to make friends!! Someone from my primary school is going, and she seems all up for going with me, but I've spoken to her like, what, once or twice? in the past 3 or 4 years. It's all so scary. I'm gunna be crapping myself the night before, I can just tell. ARGH!!
I bought some stupid jumper for my interview. It's nice but its not my style. It'll do, it's smart and office-like. Some jewellery will make it better. :)
...55% downloaded, after about 15 minutes since I checked. Yeah, that's how slow this thing is. Just being patienttt...
Aaaand lastly, I was checking out my photo-editing skills earlier. Haha, I'm sooooooo good.

Told you.
I have to say, as amazing as their album is, I hate the album artwork. Four heads mashed together with a bird. Wtf is up with that?! Kinda spoils it a little.
I woke up at 7am this morning, if not earlier 'cause I kinda stared at the ceiling for a while before deciding to see what time it was. I am NOT impressed, and am now suffering the consequences of going to bed at around 2am, with a blinding headache. I was only up 'cause I was downloading somthing... which is still downloading now... only at 54%! after around 6 hours of downloading, because of course my laptop turned itself to standby in the middle of the night. Blah. It's worth it to have the thing on my ipod providing it works. :D haha. I won't jinx it by saying any more.
I learnt today that Lady Gaga is touring with Cinema Bizarre! WHY IN GODS NAME?! Is she crazy?! Well, apparantly so... She is sooo much better than them! (If you don't know who they are, they're some glam-rock, wanna be visual-kei, pop band from Germany who sing in English.) They're songs are mediocre, and are just about listenable to but nothing in the same league as Lady Gaga's. Alas, I will never know why she chose them.
Everyone seemed to get into Fishers sixth form yesterday, and now people are confused. Then it all crashed on me... I'm actually leaving them all. Some of them.. no offence, but I can't wait to get rid of, and others I don't want to. And the fact that I won't know anyone is beginning to bug and scare me already... in March! I'm so shy in new places, and I pretty much have just stuck to the same few friends for the past 5 years, other than a couple - online pals don't count. :( I don't even know if I can remember how to make friends!! Someone from my primary school is going, and she seems all up for going with me, but I've spoken to her like, what, once or twice? in the past 3 or 4 years. It's all so scary. I'm gunna be crapping myself the night before, I can just tell. ARGH!!
I bought some stupid jumper for my interview. It's nice but its not my style. It'll do, it's smart and office-like. Some jewellery will make it better. :)
...55% downloaded, after about 15 minutes since I checked. Yeah, that's how slow this thing is. Just being patienttt...
Aaaand lastly, I was checking out my photo-editing skills earlier. Haha, I'm sooooooo good.

Told you.
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