I've been sat at my desk now for 5 hours? minus half an hour for bathroom trips and a dog walk about 30 minutes ago. I missed school today and probably did more work at home that I would have done there. Typical, ain't it? I ended up translating 60 German questions into English, and then answering ten. I doesn't sound like much to answer, but answering JUST them took me almost two hours!! ...I have 50 left, so that's like... another 10 hours of answering questions and flicking through dictionaries. Plus ten more french ones when we get them, although they don't take me as long because I don't have to faff about with word order much. Then I have another whole section (number 4) and three more parts of a section left of my German course to do, all before ~hopefully~ the middle of April at the latest. I want the course done by March though, then I have time to go and remember it all for May!
Shit, this is so much on my plate :(
I'm gunna drown in foreign-ness and strange words soon.
If it doesn't pay off now, in 2 years, or in chuffin' 20 years, I will not be best pleased.
They say if you work for something hard enough you'll get it.
I sure hope that's gunna work for me.
Wish me luck.
Now I need something to calm me down.
Have some pretty faces:

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