Okay, right, serious question time. Is it totally irrational to have to be asked to do something once? Is it seriously that bad that you'll go in a strop every time I don't offer to do something off my own back? Is it, really? Mother -.- I understand that asking two and three times isn't good, nor acceptable, but come on, having to ask once, or hint about the washing up needing to be done, or similar, is it that much work, is it? Pffff.
I found mum and David's valentines cards earlier... Eugh, someone kill me now. They couldn't have actually bought each other anything soppier than what they did. "I love you" "You're my everthing" "I love you now and always". Oh go to hell, cards.
Meh, whatever, I'm in a ~generally~ good mood tonight so I won't dwell and make me not. Here, you can have some of my whorish pictures that I took last night out of boredom. I was faffing about with my lamp next to my webcam, which explains the "over-exposure", as Bee so quaintly put it, in them. :)

OH OH OH! I can't believe this wasn't the first thing I was going to write! Terrible! Ack, I'M MEETING NAOMI TOMORROW! :D I'm well buzzin', man. xD I have been told to wear my Tom shirt, so I will, and I'm gunna wear my new(ish) jeans. Eeeee, Meadowhall watch out!
And oh, we had an assembly today. Made me think some things over.
RIP Daddy + Tom.
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