Sunday 15 February 2009

Today should be good

Listening to: Paramore - Another day

Last night was actually really nice, and I have found a reason to like Facebook, because before I didn't. I managed to find a really, really old friend, via another really, really old friend. And we just talked. I reminisced(sp?)... and then stayed up until like, half 2, for which I am now paying for as the shower woke me up at about quarter past ten.

Philip, Hayley and William are coming up from Bristol, today, too, and I'm excited to see them. The last time I saw them was at their wedding, ahh, that was nice. :) Although some random family of David's are coming to visit first... I don't know who. He has too many siblings... I don't even try to remember their names anymore.

Oh, and I am going through a rather large Lady Gaga phase. Everything she does is amazing, even though it's the opposite to everything else about me. But we're all allowed a guilty pleasure, right? ;)

Anywho, I should really be doing some work right now, so I better get my ass outta bed and to my desk, but I may have to pop by the kitchen for a brew first.

Toodlepip :)

1 comment:

  1. I could of sworn that said Philip and Hayley Williams re coming up from Bristol.

    I was like... WHAT????????????? :O

    haha. have a gooood day.
    and i'm getting details about sunday today too :)
    msn tonight, yes?

